Business Leadership

Leadership Skills Training Courses: How to Choose the Right One

Since leadership comes in different styles, so does leadership training. You can find all stripes of leadership training skills courses, right in your own town, as well as all over the Internet. Many focus on what a leader does and not enough personal skills training in how to be effective in your own life. You've likely heard about or encountered the different leadership styles such as: (more…)

How to Inspire a Clear Vision for Your Business

Let's get a couple of definitions out of the way first:
  1. Vision – the big picture dream about your business
  2. Purpose – why you exist
  3. Mission – the task you set out to achieve
  4.  Goal – what you will do to achieve that task
Creating a clear vision for your business takes some thought, big thought, because this is the one time where you can think larger than you normally would, and the opportunity to think in terms of what you hope to ultimately see if you accomplished all your related objectives. (more…)