Empowerment Tools Overview

Growing Thriving Leadership

The Leadership Garden tools provide a fresh and gentle view of leadership development for kids and adults.

True leadership is not a position, job, or title; it’s a way of life that expresses your unique purpose and aim. Leadership in this context applies to everyone and paves the way to an empowering view of leadership in the 21st century.

The home, classroom, community, church, and business environments everywhere serve as a training ground for leaders to grow. Is the environment rocky soil or fertile ground?

Either way, our tools help you cultivate and enrich the soil so there is fertile ground for all to express their U.N.I.Q.U.E. leadership.

We created the fable of the lost sheep, Hugh, to convey the eight principles and practices for thriving leadership and the Leadership Garden Legacy vision.

Coupled with human experiences, lesson interludes, reader exercises, and illuminating illustrations – the story of Hugh – symbolizing the heart, mind, and spirit in each of us – is designed to help you reach back to a time when your imagination allowed for infinite possibility.

Don’t let the gentle format fool you. The lessons are real and are applicable to all ages and everyone.

Hugh’s journey to the Leadership Farm helps re-ignite long forgotten dreams and builds a new foundation for the future in each of you, and will increase your capacity to re-sow the seeds of leadership and sprout greatness in those around you.

In ALL products, you will take the U.N.I.Q.U.E. tour and visit the:

  • Understanding Field to learn how to balance and blend your four leader behaviors (visualize, organize, harmonize, and energize) and the survival and thriving behavioral tendencies of each
  • Nurturing Meadow to learn the six leader-friendly gardening practices of being nonjudgmental, not enabling harmful behaviors, the power of empathy, and the importance of pruning gossip, eliminating blame, and eradicating victimization
  • Inventive Roost to formulate your unique purpose and aim
  • Quality Yard to learn the attributes necessary for thriving leadership
  • Unstoppable Pasture to remove the barriers to your goals and dreams and what it takes to commit to a thriving future
  • Expression Pen to learn the art of communication and give voice to your leadership greatness within

Allow Hugh, and his Border collie tour guide, Annabelle, show you the way to lead the life that you truly desire.